Al-Ameen Gazette ISSUE 2 | 2022
Principals Address
Sr Rana Al-Baghdadi
Which of the favours of your Lord will you deny...
We have overcome what may have been a very difficult start to the year for our families, students and staff. Our school community by the grace of Allah (swt) has come out stronger and more capable to handle any new challenges.
We are a ship on sail towards achieving greater goals for our future leaders, nurturing their potential to attain success.
Our new strategic plan for 2022-2026 will help us achieve the Al-Ameen vision to be a world-class school providing a holistic education with a unique culture and community by honouring our Islamic identity.
Our staff at Al-Ameen College are proud and honoured to be working side by side, supporting each other and our students to flourish and achieve these strategic goals.
Al-Ameen College recently completed the School Registration process and alhamdulilAllah have once again received the maximum 5 years for meeting all standards and requirements for non-government schools.
We are priviledged to offer our Muslim Community a new Islamic school in the Northern Suburb of Malaga. Expression of interest for a start in 2024 is now open. Please visit our website to register your expression to get in early for our openning only a short 1.5 years away inshaAllah.
We have extended our leadership teams and appointed eight new Heads of Learning Area (HOLA) for highschool in addition to openning up a new Learning Support Department to attend to the academic and well being needs of our students.
Our calendar of events is very busy, ensuring staff and students are positively engaged in not just academics but in their well being too. We recognise our best of childhood memories associated with school and want our students to experience memorable and life changing moments too.
From our Mothers Day Breakfast, to our Parent information sessions and our Eid festival we have been actively planning to engage our parent body with our school to create a sense of belonging and strengthen our community.
Our whole school wellbeing approach. We are pleased to be launching the Back to The Fitrah – SPARKS Program in term 3 for our staff and students. This program aims to bring all the hearts within the school to a state of peace through the remembrance of Allah, so the collective heart of the school is sound.
With a focus on Taqwa, Tarbiyyah and Tawakul we are able to achieve a state of calm, confidence and compassion in our selves and in our students.
11 staff will be trained in term 3 in the first stage as our students too commence their workshops on resilience building and growth mindset.
Planning forward into semester 2, we will continue engaging with our staff, students and parents for a productive year ahead. See our Calendar of events below coming up for term 3, some events may be subject to change. Please continue to see SEQTA messages for more details.
Warm wishes to see you all succeed at the highest level.
Rana Al-Baghdadi
Galary of Events & Activities
Assistant Principal - Learning & Teaching
Mr Naeem Meer
This above all things, to thine own self be true. (Hamlet: Act 1, Scene 3)
As we start the new term, I would like to acknowledge the efforts by so very many of our students, staff and parents during the first semester. This extraordinary commitment paves the way for future success.
Our vision of respect is certainly closely linked with the idea of learning moral values which is my theme today. It is the duality between embracing and celebrating diversity and providing young people with a moral compass that can guide them in the future. Our mission is to guide our students towards recognising cultural diversity and celebrating inclusion. At the same time, we also aim to empower our students with an ability to think critically and to shape their character so they can recognise what is right and wrong. In addition to all the subject knowledge acquired during their time at Al-Ameen College, we want our students to gain a special knowledge about themselves which will help them in their future personal and professional challenges.
At Al-Ameen, Alhamdulillah, despite the difficult challenges we face, we are immensely proud that teaching and learning does not stop. As I write we are making the final preparations for our return to Term 3. It is now crunch time for our Year 12s and my message to them is: ‘Don’t fritter away your free time. Keep busy. Do something that will be of some benefit to you in the future. Get serious and study hard for your final examinations. It’s never too late.’
Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank our parents, students and the whole staffing team for their commitment and ongoing support. I would also like to herald a special thank you to Br Zaki for his unwavering support as High School Coordinator, to me personally these last 12 years, and to the school community at large. I wish him all the best in his teaching role.
It is a wonderful privilege and pleasure to see our students grow and develop into successful, confident learners. I am supported throughout by a dedicated team of teachers and administrative staff.
With the year approaching the threshold of the external examinations for the Year 12s, now is the time to recharge and commit once more to serious study.
Mr Naeem Meer
Assistant Principal: Academic and Curriculum
Assistant Principal - Wellbeing
Mrs Manal Jneid
The Wellbeing Team has had a busy Term 2 with continued Pastoral Care Team meetings, Departmental Duty Station meetings, and event planning meetings. It also continued to reinforce school policies and procedures to students and staff. Teachers have reported improvements in student behaviour because of the ongoing messaging and support being delivered by the Pastoral Care Department. They have expressed a feeling of being supported by the team in achieving their classroom management goals.
The Department has also prioritised communication with parents when incidents arose, and proactively created Meeting Request Forms that are sent home with students for parents that are unresponsive even after repeated attempts to contact them.
The Department continues to liaise with external agencies to support its goals of improving well-being in the school. It is liaising with organisations such as Head Space, Back to the Fitrah, Ubuntu Australia, Well-Being in Schools Australia, and Muslimah Motherhood Coach, and continues to seek out partnerships with like-minded agencies.
Student Council
We are supporting the Student Council to have greater engagement with issues relevant to students. Student Council, Prefect, Head Boy, and Head Girl sashes have been organized to enable student representatives to be visible to the student body as those in position. The Student Council has been delegated the development and implementation of two student campaigns, namely the Recycling Campaign and the Scarf Campaign. This exercise will teach members of the Student Council to advocate for issues of concern to their peers as well as empowering them to create positive change in their environment.
Head Space
Three workshops were organised in partnership with Head Space in Term 2, catered for High School students and covering areas such as study stress, social anxiety, bullying, cyberbullying, and online safety. Head Space has an ongoing collaborative relationship with the College and delivers frequent workshops to our students aimed at improving their mental health, building their resilience, and creating an awareness of support systems available to them.
Heroes of Islam
The Pastoral Care team has been excitedly working on launching the Heroes of Islam Campaign in Term 2. Posters have been created to incite student interest in finding their role models in our rich Islamic history. This campaign is running parallel to the Anti-Bullying Campaign and is aimed at motivating students towards positive behavior and striving for constructive standards of conduct.
Food Truck Festival
A firm belief held by the Pastoral Care team regarding moderating student behavior is to provide students with a favorable outcome that they may reach by striving hard to correct their misconduct. The emphasis is thus shifted away from punishment to reward, and students are supported throughout the Term to reach their end goal of participating in events such as the Food Truck Festival.
Resilience Workshop- Term 3 planning
These workshops aim to build resilience, confidence, self-esteem, and self-awareness in high school girls.
- Students in years 5 and 6 are also included in the workshops.
- Muslimah Motherhood Coach Khadija Al Kaddour will lead with assistance from the school counsellor and the pastoral care department.
- As part of the College's vision to raise confident future leaders, these workshops will be conducted in Term 3.
Mrs Manal Jneid
Assistant Principal - Student Wellbeing
Assistant Principal - Religion
Sheikh Yahya Ibrahim
The delivery of this years’ Islamic studies High school curriculum was a success, although COVID challenged our processes. We adapted as a department the delivery of the program and integrated several online initiatives for our students and parents.
ALIF TO QURAN Quran Reading System
This book series was led by Sh Ahmed Senosy and incorporated years of experience of many of our seasoned Quranic studies department at Al-Ameen College Perth and beyond. Although this work was produced initially for outside our school, it has been summarised and adapted for our needs.
ALIF TO QURAN employs modern pedagogical educative techniques reinforcing a traditional base for learning to read the Arabic Quranic script accurately and independently.
Book One establishes the Arabic Letters, the vowels that are associated with them and blending the sounds of individual letters into short three and 4 letter words. The audio recording of each page and the quick review sections and tests are there to produce a coherent and ingrained foundation that will be built on in Book Two.
Book Two begins with words in combination and introduces advanced blending of sounds of adjoining words and verses. All of the words are taken from the Quranic text and through the completion of this text the student will have mastered 300+ Quranic words and verses. The audio recording of each page and the quick review sections and tests are there to produce a coherent and ingrained foundation that will be built on in Book Three.
Book Three - Tajweed presupposes that the student is reading, albeit, carefully from the Quran independently. Speed is not the aim, rather it is accuracy of the letter formulation and blending the sounds accurately. The Tajweed system employed in Book Three is to ensure a confident recitation of the Quran with the corrected stresses, elongations and advanced blending of sounds of adjoining words and verses in combination.
The Prophetic Protections Student book has 30 Dua that provide protection & blessing. Each week a new Dua will be introduced for our students to learn with us & practice at home, inshaa'Allah.
Al-Ameen College Islamic Art Display is beautifully featured at the Maddington Shopping Centre.
Incredible contributions were submitted by our newly established Al-Ameen College Islamic Arts Department led by Sh Abdallah Elkady and students from various year groups.
Sheikh Yahya Ibrahim
Assistant Principal - Religion
Primary School - Coordinator
Mrs Shaamillah Davis
السلامُ عَلَيْكُم وَرَحْمَةُ الله وَبَركَاتُه
The educational landscape in the primary school has been filled with vibrant, well-planned, and enjoyable learning experiences from Kindergarten to Year 6. The students were engaged in their learning and were excited to come to school daily.
The staff has also been engaged in continues professional development to bring best practices into the classroom. The implementation of the PLD program [Promoting Literacy Development] was taken on board by all staff and the program is providing clear guidance to track the students’ phonological and reading performance. As a whole school approach, with explicit instruction, and regular screening and tracking, the PLD literacy program has proven to be an effective tool in arranging the classes into three targeted teaching groups. Teachers will continue to assign a Learning Focus for each group for the new term ahead, Insha-Allah.
The preparation for the NAPLAN online testing and the completion thereof went smoothly. The NAPLAN results will soon be released by the Principal.
Some of the highlights that have been happening in the classrooms are as follows:
While Kindergarten enjoyed their time at the Jungle Gym to use their gross motor skills, the preprimary students were doing a treasure hunt finding 2D shapes and playing 2D quiz games. The Year 1 classes also enjoyed their excursion to the Caversham wildlife park to discover the wonderous wildlife and natural attractions of Western Australia.
Year 2 classes enjoyed their excursion to the Perth Mint exploring the gold refinery. Some Year 2 classes also enjoyed the ‘Golden Tree Story Time’ with the Principal, Sr Rana Al Baghdadi.
One year 2 class has celebrated Naidoc Week with the theme ‘Get Up, Stand Up and Show Up’ and they made a damper with tucker bush ingredients. They also listened to dream time stories to integrate their learning with Indigenous Life and History. Some year 3 classes conducted shared reading programs with other classes, reading out their narratives to students in a relaxing atmosphere under the shaded areas outdoors.
The upper primary classes were working on various projects such as building houses from natural and recycle materials while others were doing indigenous artwork and mosque designs.
The primary school will be preparing themselves for an exhibition relating to National Science Week. The Science Week theme is ‘Glass more than Meets the Eye’. It celebrates the many roles that glass plays in our lives including investigating glass as a part of our sustainable future.
The teacher librarian Sr Sitti Zakaria has done an amazing job in completing the library cataloging process on all primary school classroom readers. The line leaders, Ms Diana Bromell and Sr Ikram Ali competently assisted with the cataloging process.
In addition, the line leaders also did a wonderful job in preparation of the merit award certificates for the term and assisting teachers with the PLD tracking sheets.
The term ended well with an exciting food truck, petting zoo and bouncing castle activities, all arranged by our Assistant Principal, Sr Manal Jneid and Sr Ayema Samnakay.
I wish to acknowledge the hard work, dedication, and collaboration among the primary school staff.
We are looking forward to another productive and exciting term ahead, Insha-Allah.
Mrs Shaamillah Davis
Primary School Coordinator
Primary School: Year 3 Violet
Food is life !!!
The Year 3 violet students travelled to Perth Mint for an excurision, the live display and demonstration method captivated them.
Students planned, drafted, edited and created their final copy of their narrative story.
They were then given the opportunity to read their story to PP Purple and Year 2 Gold.
Primary School: Year 4 Orange
The blessed month of Ramadan
Throughout the duration of the Holy month of Ramadan, Year 4 Orange students designed beautiful lanterns and mosques that were displaye in the classroom. Alongside our Ramadan decorations, students designed Mother’s Day cards as well as coffee cups that were gifted to mothers with a chocolate, candle and teabag.
Primary School: Year 4 Green
Year 4 Green Photo Gallery
Don't throw it away, recycle for another day.
A STEM project that Year 4 Green has been working on involves building houses out of recyclable and natural materials. Our HASS focus (how indigenous people exploited natural resources to build shelters) and our science focus are integrated in this research (understanding materials and their properties). We intend to add solar panels during Science Week to our glass projects next semester.
High School: Year 8
For a better tomorrow, save energy today !!!
These year 8 students were required to create an ideal dream home that included energy-efficient features and a pleasing exterior. They were expected to apply their imagination and scientific knowledge to construct the home. The results were outstanding !!!
High School: Year 10
Engineering with a new Perspective
Year 10 Mechatronics students applied design thinking, 21stCentury skills, and programming to solve real-world problems using the Dobot Magician Lite. The Dobot Magician Lite is the first child friendly and AI infused and multifunctional intelligent robotic arm. Students used blockly coding to program these dobots and were involved in projects like making a fast food meal, building a tower, drawing different patterns and communication between two dobots to help with sorting and packaging. They were also involved in building a mouse trap car that can travel as far as possible by using only the energy from a single mousetrap.